Woman watching butterfly

God's Word Says:

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will.Romans 12:2 NIV


Meet Your Coach & Owner of Flutter of Change Coaching LLC

Tanya Jones-Awolusi, has spent the last two decades helping to transform lives. Now unapologetically, she is taking her years of training and expertise as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Private Practice Therapist, and Christian Ministry Leader to fuse the two loves of her life, and establish a coaching dynamic where women truly have real change with God meeting them right where they are. No matter where you are physically, Coach Tanya, has the wonderful ability to meet you right where you are spiritually, emotionally, and mentally.

Experience the Difference


Purpose & Focus

Addressing and resolving psychological issues, emotional struggles and past traumas. black life coaching services are guided by ethical guidelines and confidentiality standards. Often facilitated by black female therapists, these services typically involve therapeutic interventions and treatment plans tailored to individual needs.

Time Orientation

Exploring past experiences, childhood influences and unresolved issues to promote healing and emotional well-being.

Outcome Orientation

Aims for emotional healing, symptom reduction and improved mental health outcomes.

Christian Life Coaching

Purpose & Focus

Integrates Christian faith and principles into coaching process, guiding individuals to align their goals with their spiritual beliefs and values while also addressing personal development objectives. Expert in black life coaching and black female therapists’ perspectives to provide holistic, faith-based development.

Time Orientation

Balances acknowledging past experiences and struggles with a forward-focused approach centred on faith, personal growth and spiritual development.

Outcome Orientation

Foster spiritual growth, alignment with God’s purpose and fulfillment of God-given potential, alongside achieving personal and professional growth.

Life Coaching

Purpose & Focus

Setting and achieving personal or professional goals, enhancing performance and improving overall quality of life, with a focus on the unique perspectives and expertise of black female therapists. Emphasizes a collaborative partnership between coach and client.


Time Orientation

Present and future emphasizing goal setting, action planning and progress towards desired outcomes.

Outcome Orientation

Strives for goal attainment, increased self-awareness, enhanced decision-making skills and improved overall life satisfaction
